Riddick Wiki
Hell Hound Detail


Hellhounds are genetically engineered animals, Lupine/Reptilia hybrids, bred for speed and strength in "The Pit" on Kantor Boralis.[1]


When enraged or attacking prey, the colors of their scales change from black to an orange/red. The eyes of the Hellhounds have properties very similar to Riddick's.[2]


In the last 20 cycles, the Slam Security Network has been adapting the hounds for "enforcement" in the sector's penal system.[1]

In Crematoria Slam Facility, Hellhounds are periodically released for security purposes and population control (as well as for the guards' amusement) into the Slam Facility at "feeding time", where they indiscriminately attack and devour any inmates that are unable to reach safety in time.[2]

Riddick was able to tame a Hellhound during feeding time by simply staring it down, leaving The Guv perplexed as to how he had accomplished such a feat, to which Riddick replied "It's an animal thing."[2]

Following his shootout with the guards on Crematoria, Alexander Toombs was captured and locked up between two Hellhounds (that presumably kill him).


